Only the data you
actually need.

Stop being stressed about the tons of numbers and statistics you don't need, follow the stocks you're interested in and only get notified about what interests you.

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Everything you need

We got you covered.

Follow the stocks you're interested in

Gather all the stocks you're interested in, into your custom watchlist. Every time you enter you will see your watchlist.

Set alerts on stock values

You can set an alert on a range of different stock values, like P/E ratio, volume threshold, consecutive day trend and more.

Configure your custom digest

Full control over the stocks digest email you'll receive in your inbox. Get it daily in the morning, evening, or once at the beginning or end of each week.

Decide what goes into the digest as well - Stocks values, trending stocks, related news and more.


Don't take our word for it,
listen to our customers...

“The simplicity of it is what I love about it. Very simple AND exactly what I need!”

Chris W.

“Great service, 10x”


“Perfect for my needs. I've been looking for something like this for a while, happy I found it”

Han Reid